ZINE Patent & Trandmarks

ZINE is a trade name for Zine Sports - Alexander Müller-Mathis. Zine Sports products are protected by patents in Germany and elsewhere. This website is provided to satisfy the patent marking recommendations.

The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of Zine Sports:



The following list of Zine Sports patents may not be all inclusive and Zine Sports products other than those listed also may be protected by one or more patents:



Tube Cage

No. 402020201726

No. 402024201102

Beer Your Bike - Air Top Cap No. 402018200023
Beer Your Bike - Bar End Plugs No. 402024201102
Trail Mount No. 402024201102
PP-1 Bleed Block No. 402023200387
PR-1 Tool Block No. 402023200387